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Chambersbury Primary School “Learning, Growing, Achieving... TOGETHER”

House Points

  • Elf Owls 3844
  • Long Legged Owls 3919
  • Masked Owls 3845
  • Indian Owls 3891

Year 1 Computing

Autumn 1 - We are Treasure Hunters (programming)

You will...

  • Give one another instructions to move around a large space
  • Understand input, program and output in the context of a robotic toy
  • Create a program to move a toy to a particular location
  • Debug a program


Autumn 2 - We are TV chefs

You will...

  • Create a recipe with clear steps                                                 
  • Predict what will happen when someone
  • follows their recipes
  • Film video, keeping the camera still and
  • steady
  • Join video clips together


Spring - We are Painters


You will learn how to:

  • navigate to and use the program, Paint.
  • use a mouse with greater precision.
  • design an illustration
  • alter and edit your design
"Pupils at Chambersbury Primary School receive a good quality of education. They know staff want them to do well." OFSTED, November 2022