Year 2 Maths
We will update this page regularly with news about the topics we are learning, along with some links to games and activities.
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In year 2 we have been doing lots of work on building up our fluency. Lot's of the children have been enjoying DAILY 10! A quick fire quiz with targeted questions... Click below to have a go!
Place Value
We started this year by learning about place value and how to make different numbers.
2 digit numbers can be partitioned into tens and ones.
We learnt how make and draw this in different ways...
Below are some links to some place value games and activities to try at home!
This week we have been learning how to add.
When adding a single digit number we can use our fingers by putting the larger number in our head and then counting on using our fingers.
To add two 2 digit numbers we can use partitioning. This is a 4 step process. Below are some worked examples of how we set it out with instructions reminders next to each step.
For subtraction we have started learning a new method. Here's how it works...
We also practised using methods in our head to help calculate with small numbers. We used our fingers to help us!
Learning our times tables is really important but we are still learning so need a written method when we don't know the answer. The best method for this is using arrays. It is a clear method that shows the multiplication as lots of. Here is a worked example...
Remember multiplication can be done in either order. Just rotate your array and you have the same calculation in a different order and the same answer!
Remember though - it is still important to practise your times tables. Here are some games you can use to help practise...
To divide we drew a box diagram, with the number of boxes we are dividing by.
eg. 24 ÷ 3 =
Numbers on a Number Line
In our maths starters this week we have been looking at placing and estimating numbers on a number line.
You have to:
* Look carefully at the start and end values
* Work out how many gaps there are
* Calculate what the scale is going up in
* Identify any missing amounts.
Here is a useful game to help you practise...
In year 2 we have been lots of fract-FUN!
The top number (numerator) tells you how many parts you have and the bottom number (denominator) tells you how many parts it has been split into altogether.
You can also find fractions of amounts and number...
We have started looking at money this year. We recapped what different coins and notes there are, how we can make different amounts, adding up amounts and finding change.
Here are some games to help you practise!
This week we have been learning how to tell the time.
Practise at home and try this game to help.
We have been learning all about 2D shapes (flat shapes) and 3D shapes (3 dimensions: width, height and depth). We have learnt how to: name them; describe their properties (the number of edges, corner/vertices and for 3D shapes the number and shape of faces); sort them; and recognise real life objects.
We have learnt about the following shapes...
Here are some videos you can watch and some games to try at home...
We have been learning about different measures.
First we looked at length. We learnt you use usually use mm, cm, m or km to measure length. To do this you need a ruler. Sometimes we measure things informally or make estimates to give us a rough idea.
We have also started looking at weight and mass. These are measured in g or kg. A skittle is about 1g! We used our learning to bake some cookies that Little Red Riding Hood could take to Grannies (as part of our English narrative learning.)
Here are some games to help practise our measuring skills...
Position and Direction
We have been learning about different directions and rotations. Play these games to practise using these skills.
Addition (end of year 2)
We have been learning a new method for adding, which follows the same principles as our partitioning method but sets it out in a different way, using place value to line the numbers up in columns...
It is an expanded form to help the children see what is happening to the numbers to prepare them for short column in key stage 2.
Here are some worked examples similar to those we have been in doing in class.