Swimming is part of the national curriculum and all children are required to take part in these lessons. At Chambersbury, Year 4 children attend a 30 minute swimming lesson each week during the autumn and spring terms. These lessons held at the local swimming pool and the children are transported there by bus. The swimming teacher's are provided by the centre and support by school staff. The lessons follow the national curriculum outcomes which are explained below.
Swimming and the National Curriculum
Since 1994, swimming and water safety has been a statutory element of the national curriculum for physical education in England. This means that every 11-year old child should leave primary school with the skills to keep themselves safe while enjoying swimming with friends and family.
There are 3 National Curriculum outcomes
Swimming is the only sport to be included within the national curriculum physical education programme of study. All primary schools must provide swimming and water safety lessons in either Key Stage 1 or 2.
Each pupil is required to be able to do the following:
Swimming Kit
The children need: a one-piece swimming costume/shorts, swimming hat, towel and googles (optional). No earrings, watches etc. can be worn for any PE lessons (including swimming).
Chambersbury does ask for voluntary contributions towards part of the cost of the transport and insurance each week but paying is voluntary and not compulsory.
All children are expected to attend these lessons and parents are unable to withdraw their child as this is a compulsory element to the curriculum. If a children is well enough to be at school, they are expected to attend swimming lessons.