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Chambersbury Primary School “Learning, Growing, Achieving... TOGETHER”

House Points

  • Elf Owls 3844
  • Long Legged Owls 3919
  • Masked Owls 3845
  • Indian Owls 3891

Spring 1: How Nursing Began - Florence Nightingale

Nursing: Then & Now


This half term we are learning about nursing and how it has changed, including the women who helped change it. 

Here are some useful websites with lots of information about nursing...


Remember: these are web sites we don't control, so be sensible.

If you ever see something that worries you, turn off your screen and tell a trusted adult.

The life and work of Florence Nightingale (dramatisation)

BBC History: True Stories
Suitable for teaching 5-11s. Florence Nightingale tells the story of her life, and shows how she grew up to become a nurse in the Crimean War.

"Pupils at Chambersbury Primary School receive a good quality of education. They know staff want them to do well." OFSTED, November 2022