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Chambersbury Primary School “Learning, Growing, Achieving... TOGETHER”

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  • Elf Owls 3844
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MFL - French

Our Modern Foreign Languages Curriculum



All children at Chambersbury will be taught French as our primary MFL. They will leave Chambersbury with the basics of spoken French so that they are able to continue these language studies at secondary school. They will also be able to recognise and understand some key French vocabulary that will support them on a visit to French speaking countries. They will be able to greet a French speaking visitor in French, showing the good manners and inclusive attitude we expect at Chambersbury. They will gain confidence in using a language that is not their own and overcome any embarrassment, self-consciousness or ‘shock of the new’ that are typical barriers to learning a language.


Children will also have opportunities to experience other languages, including those spoken by classmates and peers and those widely spoken in our community.


Familiarity with French and other languages will prepare our children for life in a multi-lingual country, and world, and better enable them to become assets to their community and changemakers in our global society.



How is MFL taught at Chambersbury?

Formal French lessons start in Key Stage Two, using the scheme: Rising Stars.

Children have 30 minutes a week of French teaching. This may take place in shorter segments.


Children are also exposed to French vocabulary through class and whole school displays. These show development through the year groups and are changed as children learn the language on display. Displayed vocabulary provides the basics that children might need in French speaking countries.


In Key Stage One and the Foundation Stage, children experience some basic French through play, singing and informal teaching. This might include registration in French, or greetings. Storytelling week always includes a story in French, told in a way children can understand.


French language teaching is supported by a developing knowledge of France and French speaking countries across the curriculum. French speaking countries may also be covered during One World Week.


In Geography, France’s position as our near neighbour is taught and regularly referred to. In History or Science, teachers highlight when an event is linked to France (eg allieship in WWII) or when a significant discovery is made by a French speaker (eg Champollion’s decoding of hieroglyphics or Louis Pasteur’s work on food safety). French Artists such as Degas or movements that originated in France, such as Impressionism, are taught in Art.


Across the curriculum, teachers find opportunities to expose children to different languages as part of their subject teaching. Children are taught correct pronunciation of names in different languages and learn the importance of this in terms of social skills.


Teachers all have access to globes, atlases and maps which support teaching of languages as well as geography.


Children who speak languages other than English are encouraged to share their language so that all children can learn. When a child joins the school who is a new arriver to the UK and has no English, children are taught a little about their language so that they can be welcoming.


Impact - How will we know good language learning is taking place?

  • Children show progression in French, in terms of vocabulary and confidence in speaking and holding simple conversations, through Key Stage Two
  • Class displays indicate the level of French acquisition
  • Children use French greetings, and may spontaneously use French words, such as ‘merci’ instead of thank you, in class
  • Children do not giggle at or do offensive impressions of new languages they hear
  • Children ask teachers for more words in French and develop a curiosity about the language (How do you say…?)
  • Children share their learning of other languages from One World Week and learning across the curriculum
  • Children know the languages spoken in different countries and areas that they study
  • Children attempt to use correct pronunciation and do not speak French in an anglicised way
  • Children with EAL are confident in sharing their own language
  • Children’s learning across the curriculum shows that they know when they are learning about a French place or person
"Pupils at Chambersbury Primary School receive a good quality of education. They know staff want them to do well." OFSTED, November 2022