Pupil Voice and Survey June 2023 (Years 2 to 6)
Journey to School
A large number of our pupils make their way to school in a car or other motorised transport (61%) which is a number that we will be looking to drop. This number is higher than our last survey which indicated 56% used motorised transport to get to school. We aim to get our pupils to walk to school more often this is the beginning of them being more physically active during the school day.
Enjoyment of P.E
89% of our pupils enjoy PE up from 86% from last year. A number of the respondents feel that PE is too hard and this is a point that will be taken forwards to planning for the next terms PE lessons. A small number of our pupils also say they do not always have fun in PE although 100% can state a reason why fitness and exercise is an important part of keeping healthy. Almost 94% like the different activities/units completed within lessons.
Additional and External Sports Clubs
A large number of our pupils wish to take part in clubs after school although list varies reasons why this can not happen. 32% of pupils participate in clubs outside of school including martial arts, swimming, football, dance and gymnastics. Dodgeball, swimming, running and football are also a lessons our pupils wish to take part in regularly. In Autumn 2021 a Cross Country Club before school was offered. In 2022, a multi-sports club (before school) has been introduced for Years 1 to 6 to include opportunities to play sports like bench-ball, basket ball and dodgeball.
As a school, we will continue to advertise through our newsletters and emails local clubs for children to join.
Children Attending After School Sporting Activities
Currently we have 75% of our school pupils from Reception to Year 6 involved in an active/sports After School club. This includes a number of FSM, SEN and EAL pupils spread throughout the year groups. 22% of our club attendees are Pupil Premium children. This number is 58% of our total Pupil Premium children, showing they have a high level of access to after school sports clubs. The Subject Leader will also be considering how to raise interest in the Sports Clubs available at the school after consultation with the children.
74.2% of our pupils overall have taken part in a sports after-school club since September. We aim to raise this number by trying to offer a wider range of activities to all pupils and age groups.
Fit or Not
88.5% of our pupils feel they are physically fit. Our target is to get 100% of our pupils feeling this way. This will be focussed on within their curriculum PE lessons through health and fitness focus throughout the school year and careful monitoring of those who feel they are not able.
Family Workouts
43% of our pupils say that they exercise with their parents which is a drop f8% from the 2021 survey.