House Points
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Chambersbury Primary School “Learning, Growing, Achieving... TOGETHER”

House Points

  • Elf Owls 3844
  • Long Legged Owls 3919
  • Masked Owls 3845
  • Indian Owls 3891

Pupil Voice

Chambersbury's Pupil Voice is where children from all year groups (even our Reception Class!) come together and discuss many things which will make our school a better place for everyone.  They also discuss their likes, dislikes and any problems they might be having. In the past, we have talked about charity and how we can support different charities over the school year.  We have also thought about new things that happen in school. For example the playground equipment has been improved by the children telling us their ideas, as well as deciding the displays across the school over the Christmas period. 


Our pupil voice is a vital part of our school growth and we welcome all suggestions from our children, although not all are acted on.  So sorry, we will not be building a McDonald's on the field.


House Groups

House Points Display

All children in the school are put into a House Group from the moment they join the school.  There are 4 House Groups;


Elf Owls

Indian Owls

Long Legged Owls

Masked Owls


The school makes an effort to place siblings in the same House Group to promote our value of 'Family'.  The children have numerous opportunities throughout the year to work in their House Groups and meet as House Groups to discuss improvements they want to see in the school, what charities they want to support as well as playing sports together.  At the beginning of each school year, the children in Year 6 canvas to become House Captain and Vice Captain.  They present their case to their House Group, after which the children vote for who they would like has House Captain. Voting was completed in each class and the results counted. We held a special assembly to announce the new House Captains.

Pupil Voice Meetings

In October 2022, the House Captains held their first official meeting with their group. They discussed charities the children would like to support over the coming school year.  After gathering ideas from  their House Groups, they decided to support the most popular ideas from all 4 groups. 

Charities we are supporting 2024-25

Charities we are supporting 2022-23

Charities we supported in 2021-22

"Pupils at Chambersbury Primary School receive a good quality of education. They know staff want them to do well." OFSTED, November 2022