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Chambersbury Primary School “Learning, Growing, Achieving... TOGETHER”

House Points

  • Elf Owls 3844
  • Long Legged Owls 3919
  • Masked Owls 3845
  • Indian Owls 3891

Year 6 Greek Day

On Thursday 15th October 2020, Year 6 enjoyed a wonderful Ancient Greek Day, hosted by Dan from Portals to the Past. Children learnt about the timeline of Greek events, including the fascinating stories of Athens and Sparta, as well as a plethora of Greek myths and legends. It was great to see so many of the children dressing up in their Greek costumes and it really helped them with getting into character during role-plays. Year 6 were enthralled by Dan’s knowledge of wildlife, Greek empires and star signs.


We had a fantastic day and want to especially thank the children for being a real credit to our school. Dan was blown away by how well-behaved they were and how many questions they had!

"Pupils at Chambersbury Primary School receive a good quality of education. They know staff want them to do well." OFSTED, November 2022