House Points
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Chambersbury Primary School “Learning, Growing, Achieving... TOGETHER”

House Points

  • Elf Owls 3844
  • Long Legged Owls 3919
  • Masked Owls 3845
  • Indian Owls 3891

Year 5 Residential

Year 5 had an amazing time at Phasels Wood last week. They were great at putting up their tents and showed wonderful teamwork throughout. They got to try archery, crate stacking, peddle go-karting and many more exciting activities which enhanced our curriculum. The children were wonderfully behaved and were even quiet (not asleep) but quiet by 11pm! A big THANK YOU to Mrs Gerber, Ms Cooper and Mrs Wilson for giving up their time to make this trip so successful!

"Pupils at Chambersbury Primary School receive a good quality of education. They know staff want them to do well." OFSTED, November 2022